It is very important to pay attention to the little things in your home. Recently we had a client who called us in a panic because she had just arrived home to find her entire bottom floor of her house flooded. When our plumber arrived, he searched to find the source of the problem. Turns out it was a burst angle stop due to high water pressure in her home. In addition, she was unable to turn off the water, so the water company had to come and take care of it. It is very important for everyone to be educated on the small things. To prepare and know what to do in case anything like this was to occur to you. All of these problems are avoidable.
We recommend checking your water pressure on a monthly basis. Things such as local construction going on near your home can, yes, have an effect on your pressure. You can purchase a pressure gage from your local hardware store for just $10.00. Hook it onto your hosebib and turn on the water and it will show you what your pressure is. Or if you have any questions and would like to assist you in determining your water pressure, you can call us and we will be happy to answer any of your questions and assist you.
If you would like more information on what you should be looking out for and how to fix these little things to avoid big catastrophes, feel free to call or email us.
We recommend checking your water pressure on a monthly basis. Things such as local construction going on near your home can, yes, have an effect on your pressure. You can purchase a pressure gage from your local hardware store for just $10.00. Hook it onto your hosebib and turn on the water and it will show you what your pressure is. Or if you have any questions and would like to assist you in determining your water pressure, you can call us and we will be happy to answer any of your questions and assist you.
If you would like more information on what you should be looking out for and how to fix these little things to avoid big catastrophes, feel free to call or email us.
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